Mizarstvo Kos Bojan s.p. was founded in year 1983, as a small furniture business. Through time it grew bigger and bigger, with more and more employees. Bojan Kos took over his father business, so tradition of woodwork is in the family. We started with custom made furniture for appartmants and houses. With growing experiences and knowledge we started with bigger and more exciting projects, bars, offices, shops, restaurants, night clubs and casinos, to hotels, receptions, libraries, hostels…

The manufacture of furniture is a combination of long experience of traditional carpenters and modern technologies and findings, together with the use of top quality materials. We do all the needed design engineering to make sure your furniture works in function, scale and proportions. We provide finish samples for approval with each project. At work we use the newest technologies CAD-CAM, which enables the transfer of data directly from drawings into a machine. We are specialized in production of high-quality furniture and furniture for yachts and ships. We already worked all over Europe and Russia. Over recent project were with Seaway Yachts d.o.o. on projects Shipman 50,63,72 and GreenLine OceanClass 70 , Barracuda Yacht 42, Askeladden Commuter 11 and Z8, Hotel Metropol Portorož, Hotel President Dubrovnik, Akrapovič, Primary School Dragomelj, Kranjska Gora, villa Zorn, detective office Dvoršak and many more.
Our advantages are:
• we can offer you design development, support to designers and manufacturing in the same house
• we cooperate with designers and architects, who follow fashion trends, pay attention to the aesthetic finish, functionality and also listen to your needs and wishes
• the quality of furniture, made from the finest materials and timeless forms
• more than thirty years of tradition
• to provide fast response time and high level of quality, we built modern systems in technologies of production and in business management
• we care that every single project was delivered on or even before its scheduled delivery date
• we are committed to developing long term relations with our customers through a flexible approach, ongoing development of the organization, dedicated employees and their experience
• we care about the nature and its pollution, so we try to be responsible in our behavior. We use CNC machines which optimize cutting of material, but all the material we can’t use for production, we use for heating of our production.
We are a team of 10 employees, who are working together for many years. For the production we have 1250m2 of working space to use. Our workers are all traditional craftsman, who addopted moderen tehnologys. Our senior craftsman transmitt their knowledge on younger generation as well as on practitioners who come on their school obligation.
BOJAN KOS, owner and director is leading the firm with love and passion. He organizes the production, buys material and takes care of financial side. His lifepath is clear and his work isn’t an obligation but an espression of goals and dreams.
BRANE MUŠIČ is our master engineer of woodworking. Even thou, he is quite yong, he has masive amount of experiances. His task is to make tehnical and tehnological drawings and programs. We then transfer this programs on our computer suported mashines, which alowes us to work eficiently. Another task of him is to prepair calculations and quotations.

NIVES KOS is interior designer and consultant for interior and furniture. With her wast experiances and connections she will help You to transform your dreams and wishes into reality. She also speak english, france and serbo-croatian.
Msc. TIM KOS 3. generation of Kos familly, who is more and more involved in the firm. He looks up to his father and bussiness proceses in the company. With him new wind came and he has many different ideas how to develop the company and optimize the proceses. Because he speaks english, german, serbo-croatian and understands a bit of italian he is the one to talk to.
The quality of the product is controlated by the sharp eye of BOJAN KOS, owner and director. He is involved in every step of the production, from the purchase of materials to the mounting and finishing stages.